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Our exclusive events
Poland Fair textile, Ptak Warsaw Expo 2022

Neel Nagar Industries Ltd has successfully attended the The Fast Textile International Textile Fair 2022, PTAK Warsaw Expo, Pruszków, Poland.

Read More Events like Poland Fari textile 2022
Dubai Fair International Apparel-2022

Neel Nagar Industries Ltd has successfully attended the International Apparel And Textile Fair 2022 at Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE, United Arab Emirates.

Read More Events Dubai Fair International Apparel-2022
Germany Fair Hemtextile 2023

Neel Nagar Industries Ltd has successfully attended the Heimtextil 2023 at Congress Center Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany.

Read More Events Germany Fair Hemtextile 2023
Heimtextil 2024

Neel Nagar Industries Ltd attended "Heimtextil 2024" from 09th - 12th January 2024.

Read More Hemtextile 2024
Our exclusive news

Neel Nagar Industry is happy to say we are producing Fire Retardant PSF; along with other PSF products in Bangladesh, we are a pioneer in making this product.

Read More Producing Fire Retardant PSF

Neel Nagar Industries Ltd has successfully attended 3 International Events....

Read More Attended events 3

Neel Nagar Industries Ltd attended "Heimtextil 2025" from 14th - 17th January 2025.

Read More Heimtextil 2025